25 research outputs found

    Batik Buketan Motif Bunga Nasional Indonesia Dan Penerapannya Dalam Busana Bernuansa Vintage

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    National flowers are considered to represent the character of the nation and state. The flowers chosen as the national flower of Indonesia are white jasmine, moon orchid, and raflesia arnoldi. Floral motifs have often been used as a source of ideas for making batik since ancient times, one of which is the Bouquetan batik motif which was popularized by Dutch women at that time. classic style.The author makes four collections of works entitled "TOENEMEN", meaning that it grows as the idea taken in this work is the Indonesian national flower, these three flowers have a deep philosophy about the value of a nation or individual, the values needed for growth are sincerity, kindness, beauty. also unique

    Virtual series-system models of imperfect repair

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    Novel models of imperfect repair are fitted to classic reliability datasets. The models suppose that a virtual system comprises a component and a remainder in series. On failure of the component, the component is renewed, and on failure of the remainder, the component is renewed and the remainder is minimally repaired. It follows that the repair process is a counting process that is the superposition of a renewal process and a Poisson process. The repair effect, that is, the extent to the system is repaired by renewal of the component, depends on the relative intensities of the superposed processes. The repair effect may be negative, when the intensity of the part that is a renewal process is a decreasing function. Other special cases of the model exist (renewal process, Poisson process, superposed renewal process and homogeneous Poisson process). Model fit is important because the nature of the model and corresponding parameter values determine the effectiveness of maintenance, which we also consider. A cost-minimizing repair policy may be determined provided the cost of preventive-repair is less than the cost of corrective-repair and the repairable part is ageing. If the remainder is ageing, then policy needs to be adapted as it ages

    Penjadwalan Ulang Pada Proyek Pembangunan Pabrik Pakan Ternak Koperasi Agro Niaga Jabung Dengan Menggunakan Metode Pert

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    Salah satu cara untuk mengoptimalisasikan pengerjaan proyek yang mengalami keterlambatan ialah dengan penjadwalan ulang proyek. Penjadwalan ulang dilakukan dengan mencari durasi baru yang dinilai mampu mempercepat keterlambatan sehingga proyek dapat selesai sesuai rencana atau bahkan lebih cepat dari rencana. Pada penelitian ini, penjadwalan ulang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode PERT yang menggunakan tiga kemungkinan durasi, yaitu durasi tercepat, durasi terlama, dan durasi paling mungkin. Ketiga durasi tersebut didapatkan dengan wawancara pada kontraktor, kemudian dengan tiga kemungkinan durasi tersebut dilakukan perhitungan durasi rata-rata (mean).Durasi rata-rata (mean) akan digunakan untuk perhitungan probabilitas, sehingga dapat diketahui tingkat kesuksesan pada masing-masing durasi. Setelah itu dilakukan perbandingan penjadwalan rencana proyek, realisasi keterlambatan dengan penjadwalan hasil metode PERT. Untuk memudahkan penyelesaian metode PERT digunakan software Microsoft Project 2007 dan Microsoft Excel yang nantinya akan menghasilkan total durasi, kegiatan-kegiatan kritis, kurva S dan kurva probabilitas. Didapatkan hasil dari perhitungan durasi rata-rata (mean) memiliki lama penyelesaian 255 hari (lebih cepat 9 hari dari penjadwalan rencana proyek) dan didapatkan nilai probabilitas sebesar 50%

    Interaksi Genotipe X Lingkungan Untuk Hasil Gabah Padi Sawah

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    Grain yield of rice is determined by genotype (G), environment (E), and interaction between genotype x environment (G x E). Variety can achieve its maximum yield potential if it is grown in suitable environments. This study was aimed to determine the adaptability and the yield stability of rice genotypes grown in different environments. Sixteen rice genotypes were tested using RBD in 16 sites during the wet season of 2010/2011, and dry season of 2011. The tested rice lines were developed for resistance to pest and diseases. The experiment unit was 4 m x 5 m of plot, plants were fertilized with urea, SP36, and KCl at rates of 250 kg/ha, 100 kg/ha, and 100 kg/ha, respectively. Variable observed was grain yield per plot. Combined analyses of variance showed that there was no lines yielded higher than did check variety Conde. The AMMI analysis showed that the largest variation was contributed by the environment factors (76.49%), genotype x environment interactions (17.55%), and the smallest was contributed by the genotypes (5.97%). Data exploration using boxplot method indicated that the low contribution of the genotype x environment interaction variance in this study was due to the high degree of similarity of yield potentials among the genotypes, and due to high similarity of environmental conditions of the sites.Based on the analysis of AMMI 2, lines B12743 - MR-18-2-3-8, IPB107-F-82-2-1, and Conde was each classified as widely adapted genotypes, while G8, IPB107-F-27-6-1, and BIO111-2-BC-PIR-3714, each was considered as genotype having a specific adaptation

    The effectiveness of Health Promotion on Knowledge of Mothers about Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) in Mipiran Village, Padamara Public Health Center

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    Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) was the first rank of 10 central outpatient diseases in Padamara Public Health Center, Purbalingga in 2013. Miran village was the five most ARI cases in Padamara Public Health Center (7.48%) with the highest number of cases are among children under-five (26.04%). Factors related to the incidence of ARI among children under-five in Mipiran village was a lack of knowledge of mothers about ARI. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of health promotion in Mipiran village to increase understanding of prevention of ARI. This was a study using quasi-experimental with one group pre-test and post-test design. The population was 78 mothers and samples taken by purposive sampling with a sample size of 18 mothers. Data analysis was performed using a paired t-test. The variable measured was knowledge about ARI. The results showed there were differences in the respondent’s knowledge after health promotion at pre-test and post-test with p-value (0.00) < 0.05. Health promotion can increase understanding of respondents significantly. Information about childhood illnesses and how to prevent it need to be delivered to the mothers either through print media or education activities. Keywords: ARI; health promotion; under-five childre

    Sickle Cell Illness Awareness among the General Public

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    Background: Lifelong ickle cell disease (SCD), a group of inherited blood disorders, afflicts millions of individuals. Sickle cell disease (SCD), with a global prevalence of 112 cases per 100,000 individuals, frequently gives rise to this condition. Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) exhibits a high prevalence in various regions, including Sub-Saharan Africa, Saudi Arabia, India, South and Central America, as well as the Mediterranean. We conducted a study in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia to assess the level of public knowledge and awareness of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). Methods: The present study employed a cross-sectional observational design, encompassing a sample of 386 individuals residing in Tabuk, who were over the age of 18 and represented both genders and various nationalities. Demographic data and sickle cell disease awareness were obtained through the utilization of a structured questionnaire that was developed from previous research. Results: The present study included a total of 386 adults residing in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia, who satisfied the predetermined inclusion criteria. Among the participants, 47.4% fell between the age range of 18 to 25 years. The majority of participants had a satisfactory level of knowledge, with 24.1% of individuals aged 18-25, 10.1% of those aged 26-35, 7.3% and 6.55% of individuals aged 36-45, and a significant proportion of participants aged over 45. Conclusion: The survey participants demonstrated a satisfactory degree of understanding on the prevalence of sickle cell disease (SCD) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).&nbsp

    Penerapan Teknologi Informasi di Era Digital Dalam Mendukung Proses Belajar Siswa SD IT Raflesia Cimanggis Depok

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    Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang berkualitas, kompeten dan beretika merupakan aset berharga bangsa Indonesia. Memiliki SDM yang kompetitif juga merupakan harapan institusi di bidang pendidikan. Kegiatan Webinar Pengabdian Masyarakat (PKM) yang telah dilakukan oleh dosen – dosen Fakultas Teknik UPI YAI yang dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu tanggal 27 Maret 2021 pukul 09.00 sampai 12.00 menggunakan Aplikasi Zoom Cloud Meeting dengan Judul  “Memotivasi Siswa Sd It Raflesia Untuk Terampil Menggunakan Teknologi Informasi Di Era Digital Mendukung Proses Belajar Pada Masa Pandemi ” dengan Mitra kegiatan adalah SD IT Raflesia Cimanggis, Depok. Tujuan dari kegiatan PKM ini adalah sebagai berikut : 1) :Sebagai bentuk penyuluhan dan memotivasi  siswa SD IT Raflesia agar mempunyai ketrampilan untuk menunjang kemampuannya di masa yang akan datang, 2) .memotivasi  siswa SD IT Raflesia untuk lebih kreatif dan inovatif dalam menyelesaiakan tugas-tugas sekolah. Target dan luaran yang diadakan sebagai berikut : 1) Siswa dapat memahami pemakaian internet sehat agar bisa menunjang proses pembelajaran, 2)Siswa dapat memahami tata cara penggunaan Google Form untuk menunjang keahliannya di masa yang akan datang, 3) Siswa dapat memahami tata cara penggunaan Power Point untuk menunjang proses pembelajaran. Kegiatan ini berjalan dengan lancar dan keberhasilan kegiatan ini terlihat sebanyak 90,9% siswa menyatakan bahwa acara webinar ini menambah pengetahuan bagi mereka. Dampak dari adanya penyuluhan ini, sebanyak 87,9%  siswa menyatakan termotivasi dengan adanya acara ini. Dan siswa menyatakan bahwa materi yang diberikan menambah skill mereka di masa yang akan datang